Djikstra algorithm
Djikstra’s algorithm which was conceived by computer scientist Esdger W. Djikstra in 1956 is an algorithm for finding the shortest paths between nodes in a graph, which may represent ..
Conditional probability
The conditional probability of an event B is the probability that the event will occur given the knowledge that an event A has already occured. This probability is written P(B|A) , notation
for ..
The Binomial distribution
In many cases, it is appropriate to summarize a group of independent observations by the number of observations in the group that represent one of two outcomes. For example, the ...
The Central Limit Theorem
The sample mean 𝜛 from a group of observations is an estimate of the population mean 𝜇. Given a sample size n, consider n independent random variables X1, X2, . . ., Xn, . .