Proof of Stake


Proof of Stake or PoS is a type of consensus algorithm by which a cryptocurrency blockchain  network aims  to  achieve  distributed consensus among validators. In PoS  based cryptocurrencies  the creator of the next block is chosen via various combination  of random selection and wealth or  age.


=> In  contrast, the algorithm of proof-of-work based cryptocurrencies such  as bitcoin  uses mining that is,  the solving of computationnaly intensive puzzles, to validate transactions and create new blocks.


Block  selection variants


In  order  to be  efficient, Proof of Stake algorithms must develop a way  of defining the next valid block  not solely  relying on  the account balance of the different validators in order to avoid the situation  where  the single richest validators would benefit of a permanent advantage allowing him to corrupt the network. 


1st method : Randomized block  selection


Here the idea is to use randomization to predict the following  generator by using a formula that looks for the lowest hash values  in combination with the size of the stake. Indeed, since the stake are public, each node can predict with reasonable accuracy which  account will next win the right to forge a block.


For example of this method you can  go and have a look at the BlackCoin and Nxt projects. 


2nd method : Coin age base selection


In this case the idea is a bit more subtle as we combine randomization  with the concept of "coin age", a number derived from the product of the number of coins multiplied by  the number of days the coins have been  held.


In this sense, through the coin age based selection, coins that have been unspent for at least 30 days begin competing for the next block. Older and larger sets of coins have a greater probability of signing the next block. However, once a stake of coins has been used to sign a block, it must start over with zero "coin age" and thus wait at least 30 more days before signing another block.

Also, the probability of finding the next block reaches a maximum after 90 days in order to prevent very old or very large collections of stakes from dominating the blockchain.


For example of this method you can  go and have a look at the PeerCoin project.


Advantages and risks


Incentives differ between the two systems of block generation. Under PoS miners may potentially own none of the currency they are mining and thus seek only to maximize their own profits. It is unclear whether this disparity lowers or raises security risks. Under proof of stake, however, those "guarding" the coins always own the coins, although several cryptocurrencies do allow or enforce the lending of staking power to other nodes.

Nonetheless, some authors argue that proof of stake is not an ideal option for a distributed consensus protocol. Indeed, one issue that can arise being the "nothing-at-stake" problem, wherein block generators have nothing to lose by voting for multiple blockchain histories, thereby preventing consensus from being achieved because unlike in proof-of-work systems, there is little cost to working on several chains