Project 2  : Building a decentralized instagram clone using ifps

For this second project the  idea will be to create a basic instagram clone from  the back end to the front end with  a deployment  of the Dapp  on different public test networks ( Ropsten and Kovan ).


Link to the Dapp :


(n.b. the Dapp being hosted on the free option of heroky if you obtain an error message just refresh the page and it should do the trick 😉 )


Idea of what we want to obtain  :



Github repo : link


Current  status of the project :


Back end

  • Create core structure for the project  (dependencies, truffle config . . . )  => Done
  • Contracts 
  1. Dapp contract :  Done
  2. Decentragram contract  : Done
  • Testing
  1.  Decentragram contract testing:  Done

Front End

  • Create basic working structure with React  : Done
  • Implement Navlink React router in the navigation  bar :  Done
  • Enhance visuals with  CSS :  Done
  • Connect front end to back end  :
  1. Connect Dapp to web3 and Metamask : Done
  2. Connect  Dapp  to Decentragram contract : Done
  3. Create function  to save with IFPS user account info : Done
  4. Create web chat with PubNub solution : Pending
  • Migrate contracts on Kovan  : Done
  • Clean and classify properly files in  the projects : Pending
  • Put up code during development process on Github :  Done
  • Put up final  code  on Github  :   Pending
  • Deploy Dapp on  the  web  with Heroku  : Done