Project 1 : Decentralized cryptocurrency trading exchange 


For this  first project the  idea will be to create a full fledge decentralized trading cryptocurrency  exchange from  the back end to the front end with  a deployment  of the Dapp  on different public test networks ( Ropsten and Kovan ).


Link to the Dapp :


(n.b. the Dapp being hosted on the free option of heroky if you obtain an error message just refresh the page and it should do the trick 😉 )


Idea of what we want to obtain  :


Github repo : link


Current  status of the project :


Back end

  • Create core structure for the project  (dependencies, truffle config . . . )  => Done
  • Contracts 
  1. Dapp contract :  Done
  2. Synthetic  ETH   with  Oracle solution   :   Done
  3. Synthetic USD  with  Oracle solution  : Done
  4. Synthetic Oil ETF  with Oracle solution :  Done
  5. Exchange contract : Done
  • Testing
  1.  Dapp contract testing:  Done
  2. Exchange testing : Done
  3. Synthetic ETH testing :  Done
  4. Synthetic  USD  testing : Done
  5. Synthetic  Oil ETF testing :  Done
  • Create DAPP script to populate exchange with some data : Done
  • Create sUSD script to populate exchange with some data : Done

Front End

  • Create basic working structure with React  : Done
  • Implement Navlink React router in the navigation  bar :  Done
  • Enhance visuals with  CSS :  Done
  • Connect front end to back end  
  1. Create different component for the Exchange section :  Done
  2. Connect Dapp to web3 and Metamask : Done
  3. Connect  Dapp  to Dapp contract : Done
  4. Connect  Dapp  to Synthetic ETH contract :  Done
  5. Connect  Dapp  to Synthetic USD contract : Done
  6. Connect  Dapp  to Synthetic Oil  contract :  Done
  • Solve the MetaMask Custome provider issue when listening to  single event  to  automate refresh of the page : Done
  • Migrate contracts on Kovan  : Done
  • Write Get started PDF : Pending 
  • Write FAQ  :  Pending
  • Clean and classify properly files in  the projects : Pending
  • Put up code during development process on Github :  Done
  • Put up final  code  on Github  :   Pending
  • Deploy Dapp on  the  web  with Heroku  :  Done
  • Resolve the initial balance bug if purchase without enough funds by using SafeMath from OpenZeppelin : Pending


Overview tutorials


Under production : The idea here will be to give you quick tutorials to know how to navigate in the code and give you the main  tools and methods used in  the creation  of this project.